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Jun 6, 2011

Upcoming Blogs & FAQs


We Need to Change the Culture

Working in Silos

Audit Committees – After the Horse has Bolted




Category: General
Posted by: Cambron


Can I submit an article?  Yes, if you wish to add an article on a topic under the broad category of ‘organisational effectiveness and efficiency’ simply email a copy to for consideration.   Try to keep the article to a maximum of 800 words.  Anonymous articles won’t be considered.

Will my comment against an existing blog always be published?  Providing your comment doesn’t exceed 200 words and is constructive - Yes.  You can add to or disagree with the author’s opinion but you cannot rubbish individuals or organisations or blatantly promote a for profit service.

Can I suggest future topics?  Definitely, you might even like to suggest some of your own thoughts.  If we think that we can intelligently build on your suggestions we will and will also ensure your contribution is acknowledged.  Contact us at

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